The QuranforU Blog

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QuranSuperfood: Dates
Ibn Arabi: The Greatest Master
Quran Superfood: Barley ( Sha’ir)
Ibn Rushd: The Philosopher of Andalusia
Ibn Sina: The Brilliant Polymath
The Islamic Golden Age
Grains mentioned in the Quran
How the Quran’s scientific accuracy has inspired scholars and scientists
The 10 lessons of Tajweed Rules
Al-Qarawiyyin: The Oldest University and Library in the World
Ginger (Zanjabil) in the Quran: Health Benefits
Why Tajweed is Important for Reading the Quran
Honey in the Quran: Health Benefits
Grapes in the Quran: Health Benefits 
Bananas in the Quran: Health Benefits
Exploring the Health Benefits of the Pomegranate
Olives in the Quran and their Health Benefits
The Health Benefits of Figs: A Fruit Mentioned in the Quran
Fruits mentioned in the Quran and their health benefits Part 1
Why should we have time for Quran in our daily life?