Tutor Rules

Welcome to Quranforu, an online platform for Quranic and language learning. To ensure that we provide high-quality services, we have established the following rules and regulations for our tutors. Please read them carefully before you start teaching on our platform.


By using Quranforu, you agree to abide by these rules and regulations. Any violation may result in the suspension or termination of your account on our platform.


What is not acceptable on Quranforu?


Soliciting or accepting payment from students outside our platform is strictly prohibited. Any attempts to do so will result in the immediate termination of your account and may result in legal action.


Canceling or not attending scheduled classes without prior notice is unacceptable. Tutors are expected to attend all scheduled classes. Multiple instances of unexcused absences may result in the suspension of your account.


Sharing any contact information or external links before the completion of the first lesson is not allowed. This includes phone numbers, emails, Skype names, social media handles, and external links such as teaching materials, books, or other websites. Violation of this rule may result in the suspension of your account.


Advertising or promoting other online tutoring platforms or services is not allowed on our platform. Any attempts to do so may result in the suspension or termination of your account.


Providing misleading information or pricing in your tutor profile is strictly prohibited. Please ensure that your qualifications and experience are accurately reflected in your profile.


Violation of social norms and rules, including inappropriate behavior, harassment, or fraud, will not be tolerated. Any such behavior will result in the immediate termination of your account, and legal action may be taken.


Registering multiple tutor profiles on our platform is not allowed. Any attempts to do so may result in the suspension or termination of your account.


Additional Rules Quranforu reserves the right to assess, resolve, and make decisions about any rule violations or disputes involving users of our platform. By using our platform, you acknowledge and agree that Quranforu’s decision regarding any violation or dispute is final.


We take the quality of our services seriously, and we expect our tutors to provide the highest level of education to our students. If you have any questions or concerns about our rules and regulations, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you have any questions

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